I have a 7 hour lay over in Narita Japan this week, I have tried the great JAL First lounge but wondered what else I could do to fill in the time.
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Hi Guest, join in the discussion on I have a 7 hour lay over in Narita Japan this week, I have tried the great JAL First lounge but wondered what else I could do to fill in the time.
Member since 05 Jul 2012
Total posts 16
I have a 7 hour lay over in Narita Japan this week, I have tried the great JAL First lounge but wondered what else I could do to fill in the time. Does anyone have suggestions?
Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer
Member since 25 May 2012
Total posts 356
Leave the airport and check out the town of Narita (one train station away). There's several buddhist temples and shinto shrines in the area. Narita also has a large shopping mall.
And then there's Tokyo itself, but you'd want to catch the express trains there and back.
Member since 24 Oct 2010
Total posts 1,028
Yes, I agree - seven hours in almost any airport is a l-o-n-g time, especially when there's some interesting sights to see outside the airport. Peter's got it right - make a beeline for the exit and hop a local train to Narita.
I'd not suggest doing into 'downtown' Tokyo: even if you catch the NEX (airport express) it takes one hour, so there is 2 hours gone right away, allow another 30 minutes to exit Narita plus getting back to Narita two hours before your flight and a general 30 minutes 'fudge factor', and that leaves you with only TWO hours left from your original 7 hour stopover - and being able to sample only two hours (a way too short 120 minutes!) in 'downtown' Tokyo or more likely Shibuya (two stops past Tokyo central) would barely do justice to this amazing city! So perhaps better to hear to Narita and have more time to wander around and less stress about 'watching the clock'.
Member since 05 Jul 2012
Total posts 16
Many thanks Gents it looks like a plan