Phuket or Bali for a holiday with a 1 year old?

5 replies


Member since 10 Jul 2017

Total posts 86

what would you recommend out of these two options in terms of ease of moving around, food, safety and resort quality for me to travel with my wife and one year old baby for a one week holiday? any comments would be appreciated


Member since 19 Jan 2018

Total posts 5

We just took our 1 year old to Khao Lak, North of Phuket.

However she got sick, likely due to the water or food standards. We had to get some over the counter antibiotics.

In retrospect, for a one year old, I would keep it as Westernised as possible, maybe Fiji is better for food/water safety, unsure.


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 01 Apr 2018

Total posts 50

Khao Lak is a good option.


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 09 Nov 2018

Total posts 49

Id go to Koh Samui, clean, good food and comfortable hotels. Iv been many times with our then 6 month old and now 4 year old and keep going back. Novotel Samui is my top pick.


Member since 06 Jun 2017

Total posts 26

I'd say "phuket" and go to both ;-)


Member since 06 Dec 2017

Total posts 23

neither.based on past experience and this was quite a long time ago for me.if one has a baby that young you can still have your asian holiday but stick to singapore or hong kong.

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