What happens when you exceed status credits for renewal but not segments?

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Member since 23 Oct 2023

Total posts 1

I know the first answer is "you wont qualify" for renewal but due to vastly different travel profile post-COVID most my trips are via QR/SQ international partners. I accrue VA points and perks as a long-term platinum however right now I have:

1047 status credits (above 800 required). 2 of 8 eligible sectors to maintain.

I will end up with ~1500 credits by renewal in March 24 so a lot more travel planned but none will have VA domestic legs.

Requesting VA codeshare listed tickets creates issues when I have to use our corporate travel agent so I'm just curious whether anyone has been in a similar scenario and VA gifting the renewal anyway? Or is a domestic "segment run" the only option (which sucks as I'm in PER so nothing easy)

Insights or ideas welcome


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 13 May 2018

Total posts 30

I'd say VA will not keep your Platinum status. The VA sectors are there that the airline also makes money of you, and I bet they'll insist on this condition. The SC can come from any partners (and Velocity gets some income with this, but not VA the airline itself) and I think to have read that this is more negotiable if you're close (Qantas I think had offered people to extend for 100k if they are close to their 1200 for Platinum).

I've recently seen that with some sales you can get domestic tickets MEL-Launceston for like $59. Good for such a case. I don't know if PER has anything like this (Geraldton, Broome, something?).

As an intellectual game, maybe this works? If you get to 1300 SC you can get someone Gold, and this has NO requirements for any sectors I think. Give Gold to your wife/partner. Then next year via family pooling give all your SC's to that person, and once that person goes to 1300/1800 have them gift Gold/Platinum back to you.
I think this gifting just mentions SC, no sectors at all to be involved. Likely not intended, but I can't see how this violates any T&C.

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