SKYLUX, is the offering from these people real?

3 replies


Air New Zealand - Airpoints

Member since 24 Jan 2013

Total posts 17

SKYLUX, is the offering from these people real?? i was looking for some seats to europe and the c class seats are very low akl to fra i was looking at . can one trust this off shore booking???


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 17 Aug 2012

Total posts 1,285

No, you cannot trust it.


Member since 21 Apr 2012

Total posts 2,058


Oh dear I hope you've not been tempted to click on the Skylux advertisement you found on this site!

We have absolutely no control over the advertisements on ausbt. 

If you did in fact observed the advertisement on this site, it is by no means an explicit or implicit endoresement of the Skylux offerings.

I would not trust Skylux as they offer cheap flights using plundered frequent flyer points, which may contravene the terms and conditions of an airline's frequent flyer programme, which gives the right to the airline to invalidate your booking without any offer of compensation.

Doubleplatinum Banned

Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer Platinum

Member since 07 Feb 2013

Total posts 431

It sounds like another alpha flight guru, check this classic thread with some gold calls from Serg

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