G'day. How is it that more than one member can have the same name. My ID appears as Dave and I see that there is someone else called Dave who sometimes offends others. I do not wish to be thought of as that person so how can I change my name here?..... the real Dave :)
Hi there, your name appeared as 'Dave' as you'd entered this as your given name in your profile (the software prioritises real names over usernames). I've removed it so that you appear as your actual username, which is tuzza1. If you'd like to set an alternate name, just click your username at the top of the page, then the blue 'edit profile' button and enter a new name.
Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer
Member since 02 Aug 2012
Total posts 94
G'day. How is it that more than one member can have the same name. My ID appears as Dave and I see that there is someone else called Dave who sometimes offends others. I do not wish to be thought of as that person so how can I change my name here?..... the real Dave :)
Member since 21 Apr 2012
Total posts 2,058
Good question Dave!
Chris C.
Chris C.
Member since 24 Apr 2012
Total posts 1,116
Hi there, your name appeared as 'Dave' as you'd entered this as your given name in your profile (the software prioritises real names over usernames). I've removed it so that you appear as your actual username, which is tuzza1. If you'd like to set an alternate name, just click your username at the top of the page, then the blue 'edit profile' button and enter a new name.
Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer
Member since 02 Aug 2012
Total posts 94
Thanks Chris. tuzza1 is not as informal but i doubt that anyone else has that name :)
Member since 21 Apr 2012
Total posts 2,058
I rather like it tuzza1!