Publish dates don't appear to be right

2 replies


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 18 May 2011

Total posts 43

Good morning AusBT.

I've noticed that since the site upgrade that the publish date for the articles doesn't appear to be right.

For example, the story "Qantas set to reveal Boeing 787 routes, seats" has a publish date of 5/10/16 19:20.

However, the articles "Is this the world's best 'low-cost airline' lounge?" and "How to buy a car using your frequent flyer credit card"  didn't appear until the following morning (6/10/16 around 8:20 AM) but they have a publish date of 5/10/16 17:30 & 18:00.

Make sense?

Chris C.

Member since 24 Apr 2012

Total posts 1,116

Hi fxdxdy, this happens because our system arranges news articles based on the publication date and time we set in our CMS, so when we have a bigger story we'd like to feature or keep in the #1 spot the home page, it's set to have the most recent publication time, while other stories we'd also like to publish are set just behind that to keep them in our preferred order.

You have a keen eye though, that's for sure!


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 18 May 2011

Total posts 43

Ahhh, got cha.
I noticed it because I rely on your RSS feed for updates, so I sometimes see new articles appearing after older stories.

But well done on the upgrade. I'm in IT and I appreciate how difficult migrations can be.

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