US domestic transfer

5 replies


Member since 27 Sep 2017

Total posts 2

Hi. I am on a VA flight BNE-LAX and then connecting from LAX-JFK on Delta, however the Delta leg was booked separately through Delta.

Does anyone know if VA will tag my luggage through to JFK so I only need to pick up and drop off at LAX luggage I welcome areas?



Virgin Australia - Velocity Rewards - Platinum

Member since 18 Jun 2015

Total posts 35

It really depends who checks you in, I’ve done this numerous times booking Virgin through to Los Angeles and then connected to Delta on a separate ticket having my bags checked through to my final destination. There has only been once where the agent said they couldn’t do it - after a minor argument my bag was tagged through .. If they say they can’t just question why not as they’ve done it for you previously.

Chris C.

Member since 24 Apr 2012

Total posts 1,116

Have done this before also and the check-in agent in Brisbane was able to do it (and also issued by onwards Delta boarding pass), but as the person above said, it can depend on who you get!

Whatever Virgin Australia did for the way over also didn't 'link' things on Delta's end for the way home, so when I checked-in again in New York, they had to do a fair bit of typing to add in the LAX-BNE leg, have my bag tagged through to Brisbane and issue the Virgin Australia boarding pass, but were very polite about it and got the job done.

(Probably didn't hurt that I was the only person in the priority check-in area at the time, so neither agent was particularly pressed for time!) :)


Member since 27 Sep 2017

Total posts 2

Thanks Guys. Would you recommend checking in on the Delta flight beforehand or let the VA people do it all in BNE?

Btw I am platinum and flying pointy end so hoping that helps



Virgin Australia - Velocity Rewards

Member since 11 Jul 2017

Total posts 22

I would see if they can do it in BNE and if they can't then just check in on the app and add the bags when checking in. You are going to have to change terminals and go through security again in LAX so it won't really add much time if you have to re-check bags in anyway.


Virgin Australia - Velocity Rewards

Member since 14 Mar 2017

Total posts 159

When you get your bags at Bradley, it's a short walk with them to the transfer desks, where I think you can check them in again anyway and they take them to the Delta terminal. So even if they don't check through it's not likely to be difficult.

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