• "and while the bartenders can pull together other light aperitif-style cocktails on order, they won’t make stronger classics like martinis." This is outrageous, have experienced this first hand when a group of friends wanted to order an espresso martini and they said they didnt'ha...

  • The VA lounge in Sydney is a zoo.  Its starts in the terminal and continues through into a crowded, unkempt and shambles of a lounge.  The space is simply inadequate for the number of people using it.  They either need to cut back on who can get access, or expand the footrprint.&nb...

  • I don't know when the last time Travelwell you have gone through LAX customs, but I have twice now and both times in the past 6 months - you scan your passport - do a short check with one of the officers and then it is straight out.  It hasn't taken longer than 15 minutes to get out to bagga...

  • This review needs pricing added (standard room, club access etc) and dining costs, otherwise its just a series of pretty pictures.  

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