Why is Qantas Shopping so slack crediting points?

4 replies


Etihad - Etihad Guest

Member since 21 Jul 2019

Total posts 91

Has anyone experienced unusually long delays in getting points credited to their account after shopping thru the Qantas Shopping portal?

I've been waiting half a year now for qantas points from shopping online at Myer and Big W to be credited. The points show as 'pending' and 'we're working on it'. I've emailed with proof of purchase and been assured a reply within 10 days. But surprise, surprise, no response well after 10 days. For the record, the longest I've waited for Qantas to credit points is one year.

Has anyone had similar problems getting points credited after shopping with Myer and Big W? Are there other retailers which are problematic with qantas?


Member since 07 Jan 2011

Total posts 209

Could be up to the retailers being slack with attributing the affiliate money to Qantas, which pays for the points.


Etihad - Etihad Guest

Member since 21 Jul 2019

Total posts 91

Is it a miracle or a coincidence, or the sway of this blog? Barely 24 hours after posting my long pending issue with Qantas Shopping here, lo and behold: the points have been credited to my account, after six months of inaction!

Flying Gnome

Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 15 Jan 2015

Total posts 11

I purchased from Myer in December 21. My points landed the 29/4 I never chased them just assumed I hadn't linked the accounts.


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 28 Aug 2014

Total posts 132

I use the Qantas Shopping browser extension, which purportedly helps members earn points when they make purchases online through their partner retailers. I used it for two years during the pandemic, and regularly made purchases through Apple, Country Road, David Jones, BWS, etc. On each occasion the browser icon illuminated green to indicate the transaction was being successfully tracked. After two years I noticed that I never seemed to actually see any points go into my account from this activity? I contacted Qantas to query this, and was advised they had no record of the purchases. They asked if I can send copies of the receipts, but I couldn't be bothered -- way too much effort for the relatively small number of points. Still... a bit of a scam, the whole offering is kind of garbage! It's a shame, because the points from other partners like Avis and Qantas Wine have always been very dependable.

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