What time does security open for international flights out of MEL? I will be taking the 5.15am Emirates flight to Dubai and have been informed that check-in will open at 1.15am
What time does security open for international flights out of MEL? I will be taking the 5.15am Emirates flight to Dubai and have been informed that check-in will open at 1.15am
Neddie, as far as I recall, the gates to security (Border Control, Screening etc) open at 4.30am. I was on the same flight in 2019 and got caught getting there way too early and having to just stand around and wait. It might be a good idea to check with Melb airport to confirm. I looked at the site and couldn't find anything definitive.
They tend not to open a long time before the first flight. I sat outside airports waiting to open an hour out when checkin is meant to be 90 minutes. From what meandering said it could be 45 minutes for security. No lounge time though.
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Melbourne Airport T2 Depature Security Opening Time?
Member since 01 Oct 2021
Total posts 17
What time does security open for international flights out of MEL? I will be taking the 5.15am Emirates flight to Dubai and have been informed that check-in will open at 1.15am
Member since 07 Nov 2018
Total posts 9
Originally Posted by neddie3noah
What time does security open for international flights out of MEL? I will be taking the 5.15am Emirates flight to Dubai and have been informed that check-in will open at 1.15am
Member since 19 Apr 2012
Total posts 738
They tend not to open a long time before the first flight. I sat outside airports waiting to open an hour out when checkin is meant to be 90 minutes. From what meandering said it could be 45 minutes for security. No lounge time though.