Salt and Pepper Calamari at the Qantas Singapore Lounge?
2 replies
Hi Guest, join in the discussion on Salt and Pepper Calamari at the Qantas Singapore Lounge?
Hi Guest, join in the discussion on Salt and Pepper Calamari at the Qantas Singapore Lounge?
Member since 02 Jan 2013
Total posts 54
QF Lounge Singapore.Is the Salt and Pepper Calamari served at any time or as requested.Haven't tried them yet.Thanks.
Member since 24 Oct 2010
Total posts 1,029
They were served at the launch a few months back, but plated around in small serves – I haveb't spied them on a few recent visits.
Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer
Member since 02 Jul 2011
Total posts 834
Think the daily hot dishes change regularly