Frequent flyer access to Hong Kong Frequent Visitor e-channel
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Hi Guest, join in the discussion on Frequent flyer access to Hong Kong Frequent Visitor e-channel
Hi Guest, join in the discussion on Frequent flyer access to Hong Kong Frequent Visitor e-channel
Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer - Silver
Member since 15 May 2012
Total posts 30
Hi, I will be visiting Hong Kong again in the very near future (4th time in 4 years), and I am interested in getting access to the Hong Kong Frequent Visitor e-channel.
After reading your story from the 5th October 2012 (, I just want to confirm from someone who has done this or knows a bit about it, who is eligible?
I am currently a Qantas Silver Frequent Flyer, as well as a Green CX Marco Polo Club Member, are either or both of these eligible for the e-channel service?
Member since 24 Oct 2010
Total posts 1,023
Daniel: as our article ( states (and we got this information direct from the HK authorities), all Cathay Pacific Marco Polo members are eligible to get approval to use the Hong Kong Frequent Visitor e-channel.
[That's a fairly generous allowance for HK's home carrier, as with many other airlines – including Qantas – access is limited to top-tier frequent flyers (eg Qantas Gold and above).]
The process is pretty fast and painless, as long as you arrive when the office (which is airside, before baggage claim) is open.
Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer
Member since 02 Jul 2011
Total posts 834
Note that the wait to sign up can be long.. There are only 2 booths at HKIA now (used to be 4) and generally only staffed by one officer each.
Cathay Pacific - The Marco Polo Club
Member since 09 Oct 2013
Total posts 5
For details, you can visit: