Kayak vs Trip-it online Travel Organisers.

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Member since 10 Sep 2011

Total posts 45

Kayak vs Trip-it online Travel Organisers. Do people have a preference? I have not found a review pitting the two against each other. I have found Trip-it is smooth and business focused, whereas Kayak is focused on individual travellers, self-employed, with a hope that the user will also buy travel products from Kayak. Kayak makes historical searches easier too when on the go, whereas Tripit requires access to a standard browser.


Qantas P1

Member since 18 Jan 2012

Total posts 40

I have a Blackberry and utilise the Blackberry Travel app. It allows me to automatically send any flight/accom/car rental reservations and have them automatically end up in my Exchange Calendar. A great tool.

When I had an iPhone I used TripIt which is very similar.

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