Qantas lounge closure 2013!

29 replies


Member since 19 Jan 2012

Total posts 138

Lounge closure 2013!? Anyone got info on the impending holiday lounge closures. Just trying to work out whether to change my QF fights to VA for the next couple of weeks as QF do their annual cost saving lark under the guise of a spring clean or whatever. Yawn. No wonder they're heading for a billion dollar loss. So expected not even news for AusBT?!


Member since 25 Sep 2013

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Member since 19 Jan 2012

Total posts 138

Thanks, Eminere, Apologies, AusBT. Somehow I missed that article.


Member since 24 Oct 2010

Total posts 1,029

Hi PLATY, we actually had the article up about 2-3 weeks back and have been 'reheating' once a week since then, to try and ensure it gets picked up by as many people as possible.  Next year we might need to do a little 'promotional tile' for it, like for contests and other highlighted articles, to really help spread the word!


Member since 21 Apr 2012

Total posts 2,058

The MH First class lounge at KUL is also closed for renovations. Apparently it will open in early 2014. In the meantime the Business class lounge has been renovated and is now open.


Member since 19 Jan 2012

Total posts 138

Thanks, David, it's a very timely article and apologies again for missing it!


Member since 02 Jan 2013

Total posts 54

When then would you suggest they clean the place?


Member since 21 Apr 2012

Total posts 2,058

Do Qantas Clubs not need the same level of cleaning? When are they going to do those and shut them down?

If cleaning in fact is the real reason.


Member since 19 Jan 2012

Total posts 138

Really, the various domestic business lounges are closed to customers overnight every day of the year. In the case of Brisbane from around 8pm - 8.30pm.

They don't even bother to stay open until the last flight of the day as advertised when flights are delayed if my experience in BNE of two weeks ago is anything to go by - we were chucked out well in advance of boarding of our QF flight. 

There are therefore approx 3000 hours per year or more in which these lounges can be cleaned, minor renovations completed, etc., without interrupting service levels.

Unless there is significant internal renovation, the inevitable conclusion is that QF are closing the lounges for nearly three weeks to save money by not paying staff, providing business lounge level catering, maintaining daily cleaning and presentation.

They are still charging business class customers the business class fare, not telling them at purchase that they will experience a lower service level, etc.

Whether you care or not is a matter for personal perception and whether you're travelling during the period.

Saving money by lowering service standards for your premium and most loyal customer base during intense competition with VA is a troubling, perhaps even stupid, strategy, depending on your point of view.

Failing to communicate the situation clearly to customers and claiming the closures are due to cleaning (or whatever) is disappointing.

Last year there was no noticeable difference in the business lounges beforeand after the shut down.

If we know its happening we can choose to fly with VA. That's exactly what I'll be doing for my flights between 25 Dec and 13 Jan...


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 07 May 2012

Total posts 299

Nothing changed after the closure of the QF Melb Business Lounge for its "cleaning" and "repair" last year. Also having to put up with the tired QF Club last year was horrible.


Virgin Australia - Velocity Rewards

Member since 24 Aug 2011

Total posts 384

QF does it every year, life goes on. Apart from the self-satisfaction of a protest you won't get anything special from the VA lounge vs QF J lounge unless you're HLO ex SYD domestic. 


Member since 19 Jan 2012

Total posts 138

True enough, Tronixstuff.

But if more people were prepared to challenge under delivery of service, etc., organisations such as QF would be more likely to treat customers with respect instead of arrogance.

The boundaries also get pushed back as QF finds it can "get away with it" the first time, hey presto the lounge is closed for 3 weeks not two weeks the next time round, devaluations occur without the requisite notice period, etc.

They are slowly but surely gouging their customer base and you're quite happy to sit and say, no problem, that's life, I was expecting to get up the derriere and I'll take it...


Virgin Australia - Velocity Rewards

Member since 24 Aug 2011

Total posts 384

I agree with you however considering the situation with QF group this sort of lazy financial cost cutting is slowly going to become the norm and not the exception. Example - the "cafe breakfast" in int J. In a recent speech for UNSW John Borghetti said on average the profit margin in the airline business over the last 20 years is 1%. 

I'm sure some bean counters at QF are thinking "hey VA gets away with not having a J lounge, perhaps we can as well?". Interesting times ahead. 


Member since 19 Jan 2012

Total posts 138

Yes, I totally agree with you - and I guess that's my underlying fear -  QF being driven by  bean counters and artisans of low cost airlines rather than folk with real vision and leadership who look at the wholistic picture, can compete on value (not price)


Member since 10 Mar 2011

Total posts 137

It's really not the end of the world... It's just a lounge. It's not going to hurt anyone to use the normal Qantas Club lounge for the time the Business Lounge is closed. I promise you will survive. If you think that the VA lounge is going to be better then fly VA. Either way... it's just a lounge!

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