Here's a few airlines' first/business class products I'd like AusBT to make a review (in the Reviews section) about after the new system is booted.

7 replies


Cathay Pacific - Asia Miles

Member since 25 Apr 2013

Total posts 262

Here's a few airlines' first/business class products I'd like AusBT to make a review (in the Reviews section) about after the new system is booted.

1. Cathay Pacific

2. Singapore Airlines

3. Lufthansa F

4. Qantas (please?)

Anyone agree or have any more products to add to the list?


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 05 Sep 2013

Total posts 28

+1 for new Singapore Airlines first/business


Member since 24 Oct 2010

Total posts 1,029

Alvin, you'll be pleased to hear that we will have a much-enhanced capability for readers to quickly and easily put together their own reviews of flights, so hopefully you can contibute some as well.


Cathay Pacific - Asia Miles

Member since 25 Apr 2013

Total posts 262

Woohoo for that!!!!


Member since 25 Sep 2013

Total posts 376

Definitely SQ business (any and all versions).


Member since 04 Nov 2010

Total posts 155

Alvin, I don't think AusBT is like some radio station where you ring up to request a song, you know. I'm sure the guys here have a lot of stuff planned and do as much as they can, they don't need a schoolkid to tell them what to do.


Cathay Pacific - Asia Miles

Member since 25 Apr 2013

Total posts 262

Look, calm down here, I'm just making suggestions 'kay?


Member since 20 Oct 2013

Total posts 64

I will be writing trip reports when I go to Thailand in April

  1. China Southern Airlines Airbus A330-300 Sydney to Guangzhou
  2. China Southern Airlines Boeing 737-800 Guangzhou to Bangkok
  3. Some trip reports for some domestic flights in Thailand. The domestic airlines has not been confirmed yet.
The China Southern Airlines Flight from Sydney to Guangzhou was originally an Airbus A380 but they are only going to operate their A380s in the summer peak season.
I am not going to be writing trip reports on the return flights to Australia (i.e Bangkok to Guangzhou & Guangzhou to Sydney) because it is the same aircraft and the same service.

Hi Guest, join in the discussion on Here's a few airlines' first/business class products I'd like AusBT to make a review (in the Reviews section) about after the new system is booted.

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