Has any one seen information on when QF will be extending the chauffeur drive service to New York?
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Member since 18 Oct 2012
Total posts 71
Has any one seen information on when QF will be extending the chauffeur drive service to New York? Originally it was meant to be this year some time but I have not seen any updates.
Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer
Member since 20 Sep 2013
Total posts 317
Michael,I traveled in QF business LAX-JFK yesterday and can tell you it was not offered on my booking which was part of a return p class to Australia.Got chauffeur drive in LA and BNE twice.Great as usual.
Member since 18 Oct 2012
Total posts 71
Thanks Robert... I have a trip booked in the middle of the year on QF J and was hoping the service would be available. Will probably be in a yellow cab!
Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer
Member since 20 Sep 2013
Total posts 317
I would check with QF Micheal as i to have herd the service is to be extended to the NY area soon,ask also about there area of coverage from JFK.
Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer
Member since 06 May 2012
Total posts 125
I have a trip Syd - JFK in business aswell in late september and would love to have the chauffeur service to drop me into manhattan. Hopefully they will have this available by then.