New Qantas B787-9 seats.

4 replies

Shoudy Chen


Member since 13 Jun 2015

Total posts 54

New Qantas B787-9 seats. Will it be with blue interiors?


Member since 24 Oct 2010

Total posts 1,029

Shoudy, it's over two years since the first Qantas 787-9 will be delivered (very late 2017). Qantas hasn't even locked down the type of seats, so I think the colour of the interiors can be put on the list of things about which nobody has any idea, and won't have for a long time yet.


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 02 Jul 2011

Total posts 834

Agree with David.

Unsure why you say blue though Qantas hasn't used this color for a long while

In recent fitouts (380, 717, 330) QF has been using

Black, red, orange, and green in economy, 

And black, dark greys,  cream and light wood in business/ first

Shoudy Chen


Member since 13 Jun 2015

Total posts 54

Qantas has blue interiors in economy from a333, and previously operated B767s and B747s


Member since 27 Jun 2015

Total posts 1

I would say the business cabin would be the colour of the new suites featured on the A330's and the red 'recaro'seats for economy.

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