Does anyone know the actual date when VA will start operations from the new Terminal in Perth?

2 replies

Rod H

Virgin Australia - Velocity Rewards

Member since 06 Mar 2015

Total posts 275

Does anyone know the actual date when VA will start operations from the new Terminal in Perth? November was mentioned but that's a bit vague!


Member since 24 Oct 2010

Total posts 1,029

"End of November" is all that has been announced (by VA PR).

Rod H

Virgin Australia - Velocity Rewards

Member since 06 Mar 2015

Total posts 275

Unfortunately the " end of Nov. " does not come with a qualifier of what year and given the incredibly lengthy delays it would not surprise anyone if it was  in 2016 . It will be fabulous when completed and VA move in. No pun intended but time will tell.

Hi Guest, join in the discussion on Does anyone know the actual date when VA will start operations from the new Terminal in Perth?

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