With the overnight grounding of TT Lines Spirit of Tasmania 1 and 2 due to the Melbourne ferry being blown from its moorings and causing pier and ship damage, I'm wondering how long it will take the friendly folk at the airlines to jack up the prices sky high.
Spirit of Tasmania II is damaged, with major pier infrastructure pulled down, including the car/truck loading bridges. If that's the case, the ferry from Devonport Spirit of Tasmania I will not be able to dock in Melbourne, as it's specific berth with transport bridgs no longer exists, the ship blew out from the pier at a 90 degree angle from the stern causing the bow of the ship to destroy the loading bridges and cause damage to the ships front loading doors, it crashed into it sending it flying. TT Line stopped the Devonport sailing last night when all the drama was happening at Melbourne Station Pier.
So when the company says their remaining ship will run a double schedule, you don't believe them? I think maybe you should do a bit of reading before making your own [deleted] conclusions.
Again from news.com.au:
preliminary investigations did not show damage to the pier.
An hour ago from TT Line: "As a result of damage to the boarding ramp at Station Pier...". Devonport-Melbourne sailing was postponed. So much for [adjective removed by admin - personal comment] conclusions and sweeping assumptions.
Everybody, please take time to remind yourselves of AusBT's published comment policy, specifically:
We do not censor comments based solely on a point of view but we will delete comments that we consider to be off-topic and/or add no value to the subject
Focus on the topic (especially when commenting on an article) and add value to the conversation.
Don't personally attack others for their opinion: if you disagree, then make your case. But stay objective and stick to the topic.
Users are free to share their own opinions on this website, while those responding with differing views are too free to share their thoughts while remaining objective.
In other words, keep conversations to the topic of the discussion, rather than the users participating in the discussion.
Wilsoni, I'm sure you can understand that in journalism as in life, daily tasks are prioritised and moderating the Q&A section is much lower on that list than the likes of writing stories and completing interviews.
You made a personal, albeit minor and joking comment as your last post and earlier repeated content that strayed from the comment policy and has since been deleted from the initial post, which is why your posts – and the posts of others – were edited to keep conversation on track.
Please follow the comment policy as linked above and there will be no need to edit your posts.
Wilsoni, we check through user comments where we can, but as we've said it's not the highest of priorities as we're primarily a news site and so news is the focus, not moderating comments.
We also rarely need to intervene as most users follow the published policy, but when we do intervene we restore the discussion to where it was, which includes removing subsequent references to the same thing.
Appreciate you may have been trying to help, but please leave moderating to the moderators.
Emirates Airlines - Skywards
Member since 30 Nov 2015
Total posts 419
Will Tasmanian Airfares sky rocket?
With the overnight grounding of TT Lines Spirit of Tasmania 1 and 2 due to the Melbourne ferry being blown from its moorings and causing pier and ship damage, I'm wondering how long it will take the friendly folk at the airlines to jack up the prices sky high.
Doubleplatinum Banned
Doubleplatinum Banned
Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer Platinum
Member since 07 Feb 2013
Total posts 431
Slightly cynical?
Member since 31 Mar 2014
Total posts 285
From news.com.au:
TT Line spokesman Nicolas Turner said Spirit of Tasmania I will operate a double sailing schedule while the damaged ship is repaired.
Not sure why you think both ships are out of action?
Emirates Airlines - Skywards
Member since 30 Nov 2015
Total posts 419
Spirit of Tasmania II is damaged, with major pier infrastructure pulled down, including the car/truck loading bridges. If that's the case, the ferry from Devonport Spirit of Tasmania I will not be able to dock in Melbourne, as it's specific berth with transport bridgs no longer exists, the ship blew out from the pier at a 90 degree angle from the stern causing the bow of the ship to destroy the loading bridges and cause damage to the ships front loading doors, it crashed into it sending it flying. TT Line stopped the Devonport sailing last night when all the drama was happening at Melbourne Station Pier.
Member since 31 Mar 2014
Total posts 285
So when the company says their remaining ship will run a double schedule, you don't believe them? I think maybe you should do a bit of reading before making your own [deleted] conclusions.
Again from news.com.au:
preliminary investigations did not show damage to the pier.
wilsoni Banned
wilsoni Banned
Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer
Member since 28 Sep 2011
Total posts 302
Lose the adjectives Dave. "Own conclusions" would have been sufficient. [This portion deleted by admin as adjective removed.]
Doubleplatinum Banned
Doubleplatinum Banned
Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer Platinum
Member since 07 Feb 2013
Total posts 431
I thikn I'll trust the company statement before your sweeping assumptions!
wilsoni Banned
wilsoni Banned
Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer
Member since 28 Sep 2011
Total posts 302
An hour ago from TT Line: "As a result of damage to the boarding ramp at Station Pier...". Devonport-Melbourne sailing was postponed. So much for [adjective removed by admin - personal comment] conclusions and sweeping assumptions.
Doubleplatinum Banned
Doubleplatinum Banned
Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer Platinum
Member since 07 Feb 2013
Total posts 431
You should leave the moderating to the mods, they do a good job of it on these Q&A threads... [This portion deleted by admin - off-topic, personal.]
wilsoni Banned
wilsoni Banned
Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer
Member since 28 Sep 2011
Total posts 302
[Deleted by admin - personal comment.]
Chris C.
Chris C.
Member since 24 Apr 2012
Total posts 1,116
Everybody, please take time to remind yourselves of AusBT's published comment policy, specifically:
Users are free to share their own opinions on this website, while those responding with differing views are too free to share their thoughts while remaining objective.
In other words, keep conversations to the topic of the discussion, rather than the users participating in the discussion.
wilsoni Banned
wilsoni Banned
Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer
Member since 28 Sep 2011
Total posts 302
Dave insulted sgb six hours ago. You seem to have intervened only an hour ago. Really?
Don't imply personal comment from me. I just repeated what Dave said about sgb.
And what doubleplatinum said about him. Not my words.
Chris C.
Chris C.
Member since 24 Apr 2012
Total posts 1,116
Wilsoni, I'm sure you can understand that in journalism as in life, daily tasks are prioritised and moderating the Q&A section is much lower on that list than the likes of writing stories and completing interviews.
You made a personal, albeit minor and joking comment as your last post and earlier repeated content that strayed from the comment policy and has since been deleted from the initial post, which is why your posts – and the posts of others – were edited to keep conversation on track.
Please follow the comment policy as linked above and there will be no need to edit your posts.
wilsoni Banned
wilsoni Banned
Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer
Member since 28 Sep 2011
Total posts 302
IMO if you're going to moderate you do it in a timely way or not at all. Letting comments fester for 5 hours isn't helpful.
As for minor and joking comments that mildly stray from policy, if you censored all of them as you did mine you'd be without a lot of posts.
I drew attention to disrespect for another user where it looked like you wouldn't. You should thank me, but obviously you won't.
Chris C.
Chris C.
Member since 24 Apr 2012
Total posts 1,116
Wilsoni, we check through user comments where we can, but as we've said it's not the highest of priorities as we're primarily a news site and so news is the focus, not moderating comments.
We also rarely need to intervene as most users follow the published policy, but when we do intervene we restore the discussion to where it was, which includes removing subsequent references to the same thing.
Appreciate you may have been trying to help, but please leave moderating to the moderators.
Now let's get this discussion back on-topic...