International-To-International (ITI) baggage transfer service at DFW for AA and Qantas Hi all, I was wondering if anyone had any experience with the International-To-Interna
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Hi Guest, join in the discussion on International-To-International (ITI) baggage transfer service at DFW for AA and Qantas Hi all, I was wondering if anyone had any experience with the International-To-Interna
Member since 24 Jun 2013
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International-To-International (ITI) baggage transfer service at DFW for AA and Qantas
Hi all,
I was wondering if anyone had any experience with the International-To-International (ITI) baggage transfer service at DFW when connecting from an international AA flight to the Qantas flights ex Dallas. I will be flying the route in a fortnight, and I was wondering what the success rate is of the baggage being checked through, and not having to check the baggage claim belt at DFW. Do AA staff (in this case, in Mexico City) generally know about the agreement and the procedures and tags? I know that boarding passes will be issued for all of the flights, MEX- DFW, and DFW- SYD, but will the bags also be checked through using this system?
On a side note, when flying out from SYD to MEX via LAX (QF and AA), boarding passes would be issued and bags tagged all the way through to MEX, but the bags still have to placed at the transfer desk at LAX after customs?
Thank you for all of your advice.
Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer
Member since 28 Aug 2015
Total posts 83
I've done a similar itinerary several times and when transiting through the US you always have to clear customs, then pick up your luggage, then hand it over at the transit desk and then clear security again. It's painful but there's no way around it. The whole process can take a couple of hours depending on the number of flights that arrive at the same time.
Member since 07 Oct 2012
Total posts 772
The bags should be tagged through to final destination, however as MrT has stated, you always have to collect bags and drop them at the transfer belt.