Anyone know what is the current status of the QF slots at LHR which are being leased to BA?

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Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 11 Oct 2014

Total posts 412

Anyone know what is the current status of the QF slots at LHR which are being leased to BA?

As I understand it, the lease is due to expire in March 2016 and I wondered if any readers had/have insight into what is happening here ie: will BA continue to baby-sit these slots, will QF lease them to another OW or JV carrier or will QF resume their use for some unspecified additional LHR services.


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 11 Jan 2013

Total posts 185

With the introduction on the 787's from next year, Qantas may want to use these for a new Australia va DXB to LHR flight. Could we see BNE/PER - DXB - LHR? Not sure there would be demand for a second SYD/MEL - DXB - LHR.

As these slots are so valuable, the other option QF has is to lease theres to BA again or someone else. Every dollar QF gets in the door helps

Hi Guest, join in the discussion on Anyone know what is the current status of the QF slots at LHR which are being leased to BA?

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