Does anyone have a copy of the spa menu for the Qantas First Class lounge?
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Member since 21 Apr 2012
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Does anyone have a copy of the spa menu for the Qantas First Class lounge?
Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer
Member since 25 May 2012
Total posts 356
If no one does, I can probably take a few snaps of it when I pass through on Saturday... if I remember.
Member since 21 Apr 2012
Total posts 2,058
Thanks Peter but I need it for Saturday. But I suppose there is no harm in taking a few shots. I'll do the same but I'm completely useless about putting pics on blogs or stuff like that. I don't even use Facebook! Its too high risk!
Qantas - Platinum One
Member since 18 Jan 2011
Total posts 27
If you're flying First, why not call Qantas and ask them to run you through available treatments so you can book one?
If you're not flying First, then you're unlikely to get much (or any) choice of treatments...
Member since 21 Apr 2012
Total posts 2,058
What do you mean by that sdwylie? Do explain.
I've rung them up and have been told that there are a few slots throughout the day that tend not to be booked up. Its not guaranteed availability but worth trying my luck!
Are you suggesting that if a slot is available they will offer only one random item from the menu and I can choose to take it or lump it?
Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer
Member since 25 May 2012
Total posts 356
Treatments are time-based, so they'll give you options based on how long the slots the can offer you.
For example, if you're flying in First they'll probably already have rung you prior to confirm a slot of an hour, so there's the full body massage.
For shorter slots the menu consists of back massage, neck & shoulder massage, and foot massage. These are generally up to 30min long.
I think that's what sdwylie is trying to convey... you have a choice of treatments for only as long as your slot.
Keep in mind that "half of Australian Frequent Flyer" (the community) intends to be in the SYD First lounge on Saturday... so good luck getting a spot if you're not flying First.
Member since 04 Nov 2010
Total posts 155
"Keep in mind that "half of Australian Frequent Flyer" (the community) intends to be in the SYD First lounge on Saturday."
I know this isn't an "anytime access" thing, these people would all be flying in and a lot of them are probably Platinums who are guesting in a non-Platinum. All the same I'm not sure I like the notion of a bunch of people treating this lounge like it's a private club, I get the feeling they will descend upon it and clean out the free food and drink like a plague of locusts! Honestly, this sort of behavouir is why Qantas might one day ban economy-flying Platinums from the First lounge, only letting them in if they are actually booked in Business or First, and these AFF nutters will have themselves to blame. Won't stop them whinging about it all the same, though!
Virgin Australia - Velocity Rewards
Member since 05 Jan 2012
Total posts 175
Al, totally agree. What can Qantas actually do to stop it? If they start stripping the benefits of Platinums because of a small minority of idiots who abuse the system: it is hardly fair. The other thing is, how many of them are actually travelling internationally? as @htc says, they should clamp down on domestic flyers before they kill the Platinum benefits. Lets hope the day doesn't come when our loyalty has to be Platinum 1 standard to get us in there!
Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer
Member since 25 May 2012
Total posts 356
AI, I don't advocate this sort of lounge use either... I'm only aware that they do meetup in the F lounge on a semi-regular basis.
However, Qantas does reserve the right to deny lounge access on an ad-hoc basis. If the lounge is getting full due to domestic economy passengers I see this as plausible, but if the lounge isn't too busy I see little harm in providing these benefits to Platinum members. After all, they're Platinum because they've earned it.
Member since 18 Apr 2012
Total posts 15
Geez Al, are you a bit jealous as you don't have platinum status?
Member since 04 Nov 2010
Total posts 155
Nice sense of superiority there, Nicklg. Somebody has a different opinion and you assume they are jealous? No, I'm not QF Platinum, although I am Virgin Platinum as I switched all my domestic flights to DJ last year. I just think there is a "fair's fair" ethic which is sometimes missing among some people and I think treating the QF first class lounge like a stop on a pub crawl but where you don't even pay for food and drinks is a bit rich. Look, if Qantas decides to save money by withdrawing first class lounge access for domestic flights, and maybe restricting doms to the business lounge, these same people who treat the first class lounge like a social club will be the ones who complain longest and loudest.
Member since 18 Apr 2012
Total posts 15
Al, you are commenting on something that has no effect on you, you are a Qantas or One World Emerald so your lounge access isn't upset. and as i have pointed out, an AFF meet doesn't happen weekly or even monthly. So perhaps you should learn about the facts first!
Member since 26 Jun 2012
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My boss has, on the odd occasion, travelled between Melbourne and Sydney on a Jetsar flight departing from the international terminal. He is also a member of the Australian Frequent Flyer community but has not been on one of the organised travel trips.
He believes that Qantas condone and even support these organised trips because they are typically made by many Qantas very frequent flyers. I understand that both Qantas and Virgin Australia sponsor some of the meetings and even have members of staff attend and speak at events.
Whilst it could be argued that my boss is a touch obsessive compulsive with an element of the manic depressive about him I don't believe he would be classed as a nutter. Well not yet anyway.
He is quite adamant that the bigger issue is the double status credit Platinum Frequent Flyers who are now occupying the First Class Lounges. Recently he was unable to get his usual table in the Sydney Lounge and was jolly frustrated.
This is all off topic though. In terms of the Spa menu my boss wouldn't have a clue, he hates strangers invading his personal space.
Member since 24 Oct 2010
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In my experience, a vacant slot doesn't always match to a desired treatment - it's not 'random' but it depends on if the beautician who can do a massage, facial or mani/pedi for instance is available at the time of your booking. Sometimes I've turned up without a booking, they've had a vacant half-hour within the timeframe that works for me but only for treatment X or Y. (This may have changed however, as for some time now I've been pre-booking my spa sessions so I don't really face the 'no session or treatment' available situation.)
Qantas - Platinum One
Member since 18 Jan 2011
Total posts 27
Peter and David - yes that's what I was referring to - I've had limited success finding free slots of time at all, and only certain treatments fit into certain slots, and on top of that, not all beauticians are able to do every treatment, so your options will be rather based on luck of the draw when you arrive.