Qantas Boeing 787 domestic flights

4 replies


Member since 11 Jun 2016

Total posts 8

Anyone know dates and routes of qantas 787 domestic flights prior to it starting international ???


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 15 Mar 2016

Total posts 117

According to QF (I asked when I was ringing about something else), an announcement of routes and days should be made in the next 6 - 8 weeks. Take that with a grain of salt though.


Member since 24 Oct 2010

Total posts 1,029

With the delivery date for the first Qantas Boeing 787 currently at 12 October, we expect domestic flights from around the last week of October through to the first week of December (after which the second Boeing 787 will arrive and the Dreamliner starts its Melbourne-Los Angeles service). We also expect those domestic routes to include Brisbane-Sydney-Melbourne legs plus east-west flights to Perth and back. 

David Robertson

Member since 13 Sep 2016

Total posts 12

David, do you know how Qantas will promote these domestic flights so that people who want to book a particular flight solely to experience the Boeing 787 can do so?


Member since 11 Jun 2016

Total posts 8

anymore updates to this?

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