50% extra status credits to LAX

2 replies


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 09 May 2013

Total posts 459

QF sent me an email this morning for 50% more status credits for flights to LAX for bookings made within 7 days for travel up until early Feb. Not sure if i sent this link to you guys, it would still work.


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 16 Apr 2013

Total posts 25

These are usually targeted so I doubt that sharing the link would work for anyone else.

Have a closer read though, I received an email with this in the subject, then upon further reading, the 50% bonus was for any destination. I received this back in September when others, including my partner, were receiving double status credit offers.


Member since 21 Mar 2014

Total posts 2

QF sent me an email this morning for 50% more status credits for flights to LAX for bookings made within 7 days for travel up until early Feb. Not sure if i sent this link to you guys, it would still work.

Hi, is there a url link in the email you can share ;-)

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