Not facing forward on takeoff?

16 replies


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 09 Jun 2011

Total posts 40

I prefer facing backwards when landing as your whole back is pushed into the seat rather than having your belly squashed by the belt especially when the brakes are slammed on. Deceleration on landing is stronger than acceleration on takeoff so it works for me. And, as said above, in the air it makes no difference.


Member since 23 May 2014

Total posts 19

As others have said, it really isn’t noticeable except for the few minutes of the flight where you are taking off/landing or taxiing. The trade off to get seats as good as the Q-Suites and Etihad Biz Suites is more than worth it. For the safety conscious, it’s safer facing backwards in a sudden deceleration.

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