Hi all, I'm a first time long haul buisness class traveller with Cathay Pacific going from Cairns to Hong Kong to London and back.
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Hi Guest, join in the discussion on Hi all, I'm a first time long haul buisness class traveller with Cathay Pacific going from Cairns to Hong Kong to London and back.
Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer
Member since 18 Feb 2013
Total posts 4
Hi all, I'm a first time long haul buisness class traveller with Cathay Pacific going from Cairns to Hong Kong to London and back. My question is, will I get Pjs? and does anyone know whats in the amenities pack?? Thanks very much...
Member since 10 Mar 2011
Total posts 137
CX don't offer PJ's in Business Class and their amenity kits are pretty standard (eye mask, ear plugs, socks, toothbrush and toothpaste, moisturisers).
If you get the new Business seats (reverse herringbone) you'll love it!
Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer
Member since 18 Feb 2013
Total posts 11
Re the P.J's - No and the amenity pack is just a standard bag with lotions, socks, eye mask etc. Nothing overly flash.
Member since 24 Oct 2010
Total posts 1,029
Loz_alt: CX tells us that all flights out of Australia now have the new business class seats (as of early Jan). No PJs; amenity kit is pretty decent but no surprises. Make time to visit CX's lounges in Hong Kong, especially The Wing Business Lounge for its great noodle bar. If you're down the other end of the airport (high-numbered gates) then The Pier is closer, but The Wing is newer and has more variety.
Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer
Member since 18 Feb 2013
Total posts 4
Well that's a bit dissapointing, but at the same time it means I get to go to my favourite pj shop (peter alexander) and buy new pjs... so win for me... Thanks for all your advice too. I will have six hours in Hong Kong, so I'm sure that will be enough time to check out all of the lounges...
I'm was looking at the Cathay website, and it infers that I will get access to the lounge on arrival in Heathrow. Can anyone give me any advice on this??? Thanks very much... All the travel tips or ideas are most welcome.
Member since 24 Oct 2010
Total posts 1,029
Loz_alt: six hours in HK, that's almost enough time to zip into the city on the airport express and hit some shops there, such as the Elements mall above Kowloon Station!
If you decide to stay put in the airport then just head for The WIng - if you get into the new first class section then enjoy the food and bar, and try to grab a cabana for the duration; otherwise you'll do fine relaxing in The Wing's business class lounge and dampling the noodles!
Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer
Member since 18 Feb 2013
Total posts 4
Thanks David, but knowing my luck I would probably get stuck in the city and miss my flight to London.. I think it would definietly be safer for me to stay at the airport... and eat as many noodles as possible... ha ha ha...
Member since 20 Jul 2011
Total posts 3
Is the first class section of The Wing open yet? It wasn't when I was there a few weeks ago.