taking my iphone to the USA in a fortnight- i'm there for 3 weeks.
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Hi Guest, join in the discussion on taking my iphone to the USA in a fortnight- i'm there for 3 weeks.
Hi Guest, join in the discussion on taking my iphone to the USA in a fortnight- i'm there for 3 weeks.
Member since 30 Apr 2012
Total posts 1
taking my iphone to the USA in a fortnight- i'm there for 3 weeks. last time i went with Simple MObile based on the advice on this site.
However i really want 3g speeds while i'm there- whats the best prepaid with 3g speeds on the iphone 4s in LA? thanks in advance for any and all tips
Member since 25 Jun 2012
Total posts 134
I have been looking at this as I am about to move to the US.
I have heard that StraightTalk(.com) is really good and super cheap. It uses the AT&T network for 3G and T-Mobile for 4G as far as I believe. It's $45/month unlimited talk text data. You can buy from Walmart....
United Airlines - Mileage Plus
Member since 29 Jan 2011
Total posts 81
I have a T-mobile pay as you go SIM card that I drop in whenever I'm in the States. For short term stays I pay $2 per day for unlimited text and unlimited web. Connection is at 2G. For Australian iPhone users, the US 4G network is incompatible. T-mobile doesn't have a 3G network.
On my recent trip the fact I was working on a 2G network wasn't really an issue.
Member since 09 May 2011
Total posts 177
For an iPhone – get a Red Pocket sim, it runs on AT&T (the best network for iPhones), you'll get a 3G connection, and the prices are pretty good.