Upgrading 1 person on a JAL booking

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Flying Ogden

Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 18 May 2018

Total posts 11

I have 3 family members on the same booking traveling return Melb - Tokyo on JAL, currently in Economy, traveling April 2019. I need to upgrade 1 person on that booking to Business Class, the other 2 remaining in economy. Upgrade will be paid with in cash. Has anyone had any experience dealing with JAL with a similar matter? After dealing with the Qantas call center and the subsequent headache they caused me earlier this year, I'm nervous about calling a foreign carrier to alter a booking. In your opinion, is it worth a try or should my family member accept their fate and stick with economy!


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 14 Oct 2016

Total posts 154

I think that family member should ‘accept their fate’ for a relatively short flight, especially if they aren’t paying. But separating that individual from the group booking so they are on their own ticket would be a good start. It’s been a while since I have flown JAL so not super familiar with their online booking management but once they are separated, you could probably easily rebook them in buisness and pay the fare difference. Though if you hoping to make a discounted offer for a paid upgrade maybe it’s best you phone.

Last editedby Theresnormissin at Nov 07, 2018, 09:36 PM.

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