Flight cancellations and Upgrade points...

2 replies


Member since 09 Apr 2017

Total posts 64


I live in NSW and will have to cancel a short, return visit to Perth I have booked for mid September. Obviously with the current WA requirement to quarantine for 14 days on arrival, that makes the trip impossible.

When booking in March, I requested a points upgrade to Business and it was immediately granted. Is there any way I can have these upgrade points recovered?

I have plenty of Credit Vouchers due to multiple overseas trips cancelled in 2020, but am happy to get another if it allows me to be refunded the 54,400 upgrade points. I appreciate that I will lose the 998 Carbon Offset points, and that the Double Status Credit promo that I booked under will also be nixed.

Is there a recommendation for how best to approach Qantas, or have the points been swallowed up regardless if I request a refund, request a credit voucher or indeed re-book the ticket for next year (September in WA = Wildflower season :-)

Thanks in advance.


Member since 23 Apr 2015

Total posts 25

I had the same issue and managed to get this fairly quickly resolved by first contacting Qantas on Facebook messenger (much nicer and quicker experience than calling), who then directed me to use the contact details at the bottom of this page: https://www.qantas.com/au/en/support/contact-us/frequent-flyer-membership.html


Member since 09 Apr 2017

Total posts 64

Thanks flyme2themoon. I will check out the out the page you linked. Much appreciated.

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