How much ground coffee per cup does this hotel coffee maker use?

By John Walton, September 7 2011
How much ground coffee per cup does this hotel coffee maker use?

In Brief | Who hasn't thrown coffee into the hotel machine, gone for a shower and come back to a steaming pot of very slightly beige hot water? Oops. Not enough coffee. Misread the instructions. Should have put in the other packet as well.

We're not afraid to admit that we've occasionally covered most of a hotel bathroom sink in coffee either. Overdone it on the grounds, hoping for a strong cup? Just slightly. 

But how much should you put in once you've mopped up the mess and housekeeping have brought you more coffee?

Two spoons per cup

The general answer is two tablespoons per six ounce cup if you're in an imperial measures country, or about 30 grams per 200 ml cup.

If you're not measuring (and, in a hotel, who really is?) that's two big spoons for a regular coffee cup.

That'll make a strong enough brew to get you going in the morning, we reckon.

Have you lucked out with a hotel that has big mugs? Or do you like your coffee strong? Add an extra spoon or so.

Remember: you can always make strong coffee weaker by adding some more water. It's pretty hard to make weak coffee stronger.

John Walton

Aviation journalist and travel columnist John took his first long-haul flight when he was eight weeks old and hasn't looked back since. Well, except when facing rearwards in business class.

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