• The main point is there shouldn't be a reason to fight it. It's under our ACCC rights. On pages 3 and 4 of the ACCC manual in relation to Travel and Accomodation under Australian Consumer Law: A major failure with services is when: “a reasonable consumer would not have acquired the servi...

  • As mentioned no confirmation has been given that the funds have left flight centre. Regardless, no service has been provided. It doesn't make it equal that people have credit to use and the we go without completely. You may call it preferential treatment however I didn't ask to be born with a men...

  • It's great they are offering credit however completely wrong that no consideration is taken for people who need refunds. We planned this mid last year needing a live in carer for my mentally disabled mother. Organising an NDIS carer, and having required funding. We simply can't travel having a du...

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