How to survive the Cathay hard shell economy seat?

12 replies


Cathay Pacific - Asia Miles

Member since 25 Apr 2013

Total posts 262

How to survive the Cathay hard shell economy seat? I have to suffer over this when travelling to Auckland on a 343 in February.


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 17 Aug 2012

Total posts 1,285

Fly via SYD :P


Cathay Pacific - Asia Miles

Member since 25 Apr 2013

Total posts 262

I wish I could, but despite the tempty Emirates and new Cathay flights I have to hurry that day.


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 17 Aug 2012

Total posts 1,285

You're not going to arrive AKL before 11-something, though, even on the nonstop.

Otherwise, go with the suggestions by TheRealBabushka and David.


Member since 21 Apr 2012

Total posts 2,058

Get a window seat and a neck pillow - sleep on the side against the window.  And melatonin tablets. Take it 1 to 2 hours before departure and use the G force from the take off to knock you out.


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 10 May 2011

Total posts 249

The G-force from a 343 with hairdryers onder the wing?!?!? LOL


Member since 24 Oct 2010

Total posts 1,028

I'd try to grab another pillow and stuff it down behind your back to provide some of the lumbar support which the old CX seat lacks. And book yourself a decent back massage for the day of your landing. Seriously. After 8+ hours in one of those seats you will need it.


Member since 23 Mar 2012

Total posts 41

I now have ongoing back problems after taking numerous flights in what would have to be one of the worlds worst economy seat designs ever to be released by an airline. The trick I used to releive the pain slightly was to use two economy pillows and build the base and back area to lessen the "bucket" shape.Although majorly uncomfotable it reduced the strain on the lower back ever so slightly. GOOD LUCK it is an endurance test to say the least.


Cathay Pacific - Asia Miles

Member since 25 Apr 2013

Total posts 262

If I don't recline, will the lumbar support be there?

(Is it true that there is no lumbar support only when reclined?)


Member since 24 Oct 2010

Total posts 1,028

Alvin: by memory there's not great lumbar support even when you don't recline. The seat would be okay for short (regional) flights but 8+ hours to/from HK? Nope!


Cathay Pacific - Asia Miles

Member since 25 Apr 2013

Total posts 262

I see. I think I'll have to hog an extra pillow or two or...the toilet...


Cathay Pacific - Asia Miles

Member since 15 Oct 2013

Total posts 1

Its not that bad, beleive me I've done about 50 long haul flights in it and I find that if you can store your stuff properly, you are fine.I even find that HKG-JFK in wasn't to bad. By the way, they are adding Y+ to HKG-AKL flights, on some flights I have seen Y+ cheaper that Y. Consider Premium Economy. 


Cathay Pacific - Asia Miles

Member since 25 Apr 2013

Total posts 262

Premium Economy was full :(

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