Online checkin for Cathay Pacific flights departing Australia during daylight saving time.

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Member since 12 Feb 2013

Total posts 19

Online checkin for Cathay Pacific flights departing Australia during daylight saving time. Has anyone experienced a problem where (due to the 1 hour difference) they are only able to do online checkin for flights departing 47 hours instead of the usual 48 hpurs before departure. I receive an email to checkin for CX138 at 2220, but when you try online checkin, the system says it cannot locate any flights due to depart within the next 48 hours. At 2320 an hour later the flight is available for checkin (47 hours prior to departure, but must be 48 hours according to their system because it doesn't recognise daylight saving?). This problem does not occur during winter/normal time.


Member since 23 Mar 2012

Total posts 41

Yes Correct.I Telephoned the MPC several times advising of this glitch(amoungst several others since the cut over of the new IT system) and was informed it would be rectified.Like the other glitches nothing has been rectified so I have given up!

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