This piece in the Financial Review sort of sum's it up - wonder in anyone from QF is listening, or are they just waiting for the intant print to develop.
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Member since 09 May 2014
Total posts 7
This piece in the Financial Review sort of sum's it up - wonder in anyone from QF is listening, or are they just waiting for the intant print to develop.....
Member since 21 Apr 2012
Total posts 2,058
No I haven't. The AFR website is obscured by a pay wall.
While some articles are good, the publication itself, in my view is generally mediocre and does not warrant purchasing.
Bring on an Australian edition of the Financial Times!
Member since 17 Feb 2012
Total posts 50
The letter/article is awful. Basically saying that if Qantas can't price their product properly they shouldn't be in business. It omits the fact that Qantas competes with airlines whose average wage bill is sometimes half and indeed a third of the middle eastern carriers. Qantas is a great band going through business transition - just like Air NZ did a few years back. It will emgerge a much stronger business as a result.
Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer
Member since 29 Jun 2013
Total posts 317
Coundn't agree more with you WHIPPER,Qantas is a great airline going through a restructure .there is so much negativity around at the moment created by its competitors to do more damage to try to weaken it even further .i support and prefer to fly Qantas .it's still the safest airline to fly with!!!
Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer
Member since 17 Aug 2012
Total posts 1,285
I think it's time for AJ to roll out the three-word slogans. We could start with "No Hull Losses" and "Meal Always Included".