Qantas First Class Lounge Melbourne Spa Hours.

3 replies


Member since 12 Aug 2014

Total posts 6

Qantas First Class Lounge Melbourne Spa Hours. I'm looking at flying First Class to london in November on QF9 leaving at 23:35, but I've read that the Spa closes at 1900. Is this still going to be the case or will they be extending the hours to accommodate the changed flight times?


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 17 Aug 2012

Total posts 1,285

If so, good. If not, go early and have a nice dinner with a few drinks.



Member since 24 Oct 2010

Total posts 1,028

The spa definitely won't be open at 11.30pm.


Member since 11 Mar 2012

Total posts 160

Agree with watson374.  Check in at 5:30pm, clear C&I, into the spa, nice late dinner, onto the flight and sleep!

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