After updating to the latest version of the Qantas app on iOS, is anyone else finding that the PressReader feature has broken?
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Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer
Member since 22 Jan 2015
Total posts 88
After updating to the latest version of the Qantas app on iOS, is anyone else finding that the PressReader feature has broken? It no longer recognises that you have it installed and so you can't access the hotspot anymore.
Phil Young
Phil Young
Member since 22 Oct 2012
Total posts 262
I gave up on the Qantas 12 hours of access to PressReader, and I now go to my local council Library where I get 7 days of free access for each visit. Have a look at the HotSpot Map feature in PressReader and find out where your nearest HotSpot is.
Member since 25 Sep 2013
Total posts 376
Yes, this is a known issue that PressReader is currently looking into.