Has anyone booked the Swiss of Lufthansa Business RTW fares recently?
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Hi Guest, join in the discussion on Has anyone booked the Swiss of Lufthansa Business RTW fares recently?
Member since 17 Feb 2016
Total posts 2
Has anyone booked the Swiss of Lufthansa Business RTW fares recently? Does this have to be done through an agent or is there somewhere online to do so? Seen some quotes in the low $6000 which seems like a steal.
Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer
Member since 02 Jan 2015
Total posts 20
Yes just booked one for November. My routing is a bit different so it was just over 7K but still great value and works well for me. Looking forward to the new Swiss 777 LAX-ZRH. Its great value although I only use the Swiss airlines RTW.
Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer
Member since 28 Jan 2015
Total posts 94
Recently booked a lufthansa one, short notice for 2 weeks time. Was just over 8k but was booked through a travel agent too
Member since 17 Feb 2016
Total posts 2
Thank you both - anyone know if there is booking these fares WITHOUT going to an agent?
Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer
Member since 02 Jan 2015
Total posts 20
Sadly no. I wish you could do it all online but not possible yet as far as I know.
Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer
Member since 08 Jun 2014
Total posts 318
No but just booked air France j return in June mel cdg with first leg on Singapore air for 21000 for 4!!'
Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer
Member since 17 Aug 2012
Total posts 45
My partner is Swiss, so we are frequent users of the Swiss biz class combo deals to Zurich (either RTW or Oz-Europe return). As far as I know you can only access it thru an agent. What the agent can see (which you can’t with online booking) is the availability of the different classes (P, Z, C, D, J) The cheapest option utilises a P biz class, which has a very limited seat allocation. The agent can offer options where on a chosen date there may not be any P seats, but there might be Z or D - these are incrementally priced, so you pay a bit more for that sector to travel on your chosen day. (Z and D class have many more avails.)
It’s much easier for a solo traveller to nab a P than two travellers as in my case.
We have discovered some sectors are very heavily booked e.g. San Francisco to Zurich (Swiss) so sometimes there is no option but to slide up a class.
I suspect this flexibility would be difficult to build into online engines which usually offer just the cheapest option available, with fixed dates. You can change routing, dates and even carriers (for the Asia or Nth America - Oz sector) after travel has commenced for a reasonable fee if you have a D ticket for instance.
My agent tells me it’s a hot selling item in her agency, We’ve been using the Swiss tix for over 10 years and are big fans!