Retaining Velocity Gold vs earning KrisFlyer Gold..?

6 replies


Virgin Australia - Velocity Rewards

Member since 30 May 2017

Total posts 6

Hello everyone, 

This is my first post, after having read a bunch of articles in the community. I am in an awkward in-between FFP programs situation and am looking for some additional insights that help me making a good call. (also, apologies for somewhat strange use of the english language, I am german...)


I have been a Virgin Gold member for the past three years but left my job in March. I did not travel a lot in the last 6 months and just lost my gold status. Pretty bad timing as I have a bit of travel coming up.

Already booked:

SYD - SIN - FRA (return with SQ in July/Aug)

To be booked:

1. SYD -> SIN -> FRA -> EWR -> LAX ->AKL -> SYD (June/July)

2. SYD - DPS (return in October)

This is where it gets quite confusing for me.

The already booked trip is connected to my Kris Flyer program as I used my points for a business upgrade.

The world trip (I would fly this Friday or Saturday) is based on a Lufthansa ticket for only 3,9k Prem Economy which I found being a fantastic deal. (completely missed out on the recent global business ticket with Virgin :/ )

I haven't booked my bali trip in October yet but thats probably happening later this week.

So here is the pickle. 

Lufthansa is with the Star Alliance and I can earn Krisflyer miles (= status, right?). Together with my already booked trip in late July, I'll achieve Gold status with Krisflyer which in turn gives me access to lounges, priority boarding etc at Virgin.

The big disadvantage seems to be that I can't use my remaining Virgin points for upgrades anymore... I have plenty of points left there so that is definitely a bit of a bugger.

Based on your FFP experience, would you use the Singapore Airlines program or would you even use a very different one from the Star Alliance network? Is there anything that I am just completely missing here?

I could obviously try to book the same flights with  the Virgin network but the price is far from competitive... Just economy would be 6k for the mini-world trip...

Thanks in advance everyone



Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 08 Aug 2016

Total posts 112

id just go to Singapore. you can credit you virgin flights there and transfer your current virgin points to kris flyer. 

that way you get star gold which is much more useful than virgin gold.
however if family pooling means anything to you that might sway you to virgin


Virgin Australia - Velocity Rewards

Member since 30 May 2017

Total posts 6

Thanks for the response. Funnily enough I got quite lucky. Just called Virgin and they have renewed my gold status on the spot... Pretty much resolves the dilemma out of nowhere :)


Virgin Australia - Velocity Rewards

Member since 14 Mar 2017

Total posts 159

Thanks for the response. Funnily enough I got quite lucky. Just called Virgin and they have renewed my gold status on the spot... Pretty much resolves the dilemma out of nowhere :)


Andrew Barkery

Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 21 Mar 2011

Total posts 433

You can transfer points between VA and KF, there is a need for more VA points for 1 KF point, about 1,35VA-1KF point, just something to keep in mind.


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 06 Jun 2017

Total posts 1

Because of being able to transfer points from VA to SQ it would seem more valuable in your case to stick with Krisflyer. Also for your world trip it's possible to go full business RTW with a lufty, Swiss or Austrian and their partners for approx 6k depending on taxes and availability. On that journey the extra ~2k to go from premo to biz is pretty good value plus you'll earn more status and points. I'm a travel agent currently on extended leave but could point you in the direction of someone if you're keen? 


Virgin Australia - Velocity Rewards

Member since 10 Nov 2011

Total posts 112

I've had the same dilemma. I have to say I've really gotten good use out of the Hilton comp status, esp somewhere like KL where the room rate is already cheap. With the upgrade and lounge access the room almost pays for itself!

Hi Guest, join in the discussion on Retaining Velocity Gold vs earning KrisFlyer Gold..?

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