Hongkong airport sleeping capsule?

4 replies


Member since 17 Apr 2013

Total posts 63

Hi all; 

I'll be flying with cathay pacific SYD-HK on an overnight flight (5am arrival). Once i reach the airport i need to wait 5hrs for my friends flight to arrive, 

Just wanted to know; is there any sleeping capsule in the airport? Just want to get sone shut eye...

I already booked a hotel however i doubt they will allow 5am check in. Any advise is greatly appreciated.

Thanks! - Benjie



Member since 12 Apr 2013

Total posts 1,019

You did not mentioned what class you fly. If you have access to lounge then go directly to Pier lounge and at the very end of the lounge there is calm dark corner where you can have uninterrupted snooze. Do not forget to ask for blanket.

New Mint

Member since 24 Feb 2012

Total posts 66

Failing Serg's suggestion, you could also book the hotel for the night before and let them know what time you'll check in. Check out time is usually 10-11am so that gives you your 5 hours 


Member since 20 Jun 2014

Total posts 38

There are no sleeping capsules at all at HK airport. 

Do you have an onward flight? If so, go straight through transit to the departures level. If you are travelling Business, head to the Pier lounge as the above post suggests. Failing that, head to "relaxation corner" near gate 23 which has lounger chairs for sleeping (https://www.hongkongairport.com/eng/passenger/departure/all/airport-services-facilities/relaxation_corner.html). There are pay-in lounges with showers and plenty of coffee shops, which can help overcome a lack of sleep.

If you don't have an onward flight, you'll be stuck in the arrivals level and there's nothing there but a few seats, so you're better off going through immigration straight away. Outside in the main hall, there's plenty of seating. There are a few wooden benches at each end of the hall but if you lay down on them someone might ask you to move on. There are plenty of restaurants but they won't be open until 6am. If you are travelling Business, you can go to the Cathay arrivals lounge and get a meal and a shower (again it doesn't open until 6am), but again there's nowhere to sleep. Best option to sleep is the Regal Hotel which is attached to the airport. They are used to odd check-in times as they cater to flight crews, but as far as I know they don't charge on an hourly basis, they charge for the full night. 

That Sydney flight is a pain, it gets in before most of the airport is open, even the Airport Express train doesn't run that early. I got it once but at the time I was living in HK so I could just go home and sleep.


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 26 May 2014

Total posts 320

I have heard that Plaza lounges have rest areas.  Might be worth checking out.

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