Christmas Get Together - Brisbane

4 replies

Ron J Barker

Member since 18 Nov 2017

Total posts 1

Greetings to the Aus BT community from a longtime reader, but first time contributor.

I must say that I thoroughly enjoy reading not only the articles expertly penned by David and Chris but the contributions and comments that all members of the Aus BT community make. It is refreshing to see so many people who share an interest in aviation generally and business travel in particular.

With the festive season upon us, I thought I would make the novel suggestion of a Christmas Get Together for the Aus BT community in Brisbane. I think it would be an ideal opportunity for like minded people to get together for a few drinks and talk about some shared topics of interest.

Whilst I am open to suggestions, I was proposing some drinks at The Survey Co on Burnett Lane at 6:30pm on Thursday, 14 December. Please let me know your thoughts by commenting below.

As I understand Chris is Brisbane-based, I am hopeful he can make it along. I think we all owe him a drink to thank him for his diligence and hard work in producing another year of excellent journalism.

Too Technical

Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 04 Oct 2016

Total posts 19

Unfortunately Perth based..


Etihad - Etihad Guest

Member since 06 Apr 2012

Total posts 95

I'd be up for that, Ron. Hopefully Chris can make it as we've all enjoyed his articles over the year. I wonder if he's made it out of that Emirates Champagne bar yet ?

JPeuty Banned

JPeuty Banned

Member since 07 Nov 2017

Total posts 4

Sounds good Ron. I'm due back for some family Christmas time at the beginning of that week, so count me in (though, as a matter of prudence, you should confirm a booking once we reach critical mass). It's an excellent wine list over there at the Survey Company; some great drops.

Chris C.

Member since 24 Apr 2012

Total posts 1,116

Hi Ron, thank you for the invitation but I'll be unable to attend. Sounds like a fun night though - enjoy!

Hi Guest, join in the discussion on Christmas Get Together - Brisbane

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