Qantas new profit drivers - customer service ethos 1.

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Member since 24 Jul 2012

Total posts 6

Qantas new profit drivers - customer service ethos 1. "Sweet smile - Iron Fist" 2. Sale durations cut by 50 - 60% (particularly on Intl. premium / business) class. What have others observed ?


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 02 Jul 2011

Total posts 835

I have actually observed customer service increasing, no doubt helped by the ipad app profiled in the frontpage article.

What do you mean by sale duration cut??? Last sale was 96hrs... so what. others have been longer.


Member since 24 Jul 2012

Total posts 6

Sales used to go for 2 weeks - allows more time to plan and book. Now sales are <3 days - get you interested but if you miss sale fares they hope you will still book with them at a higher fare. Bit tricky - other airlines dont do this. Qantas under Joyce still focus on getting profits up at all costs.


Member since 07 Oct 2012

Total posts 772

I think every week I get an email from QF about some sale.  I think the on-board service is improving too... still get a way to go though


Member since 24 Jul 2012

Total posts 6

Yes - I agree that morale and service (which go hand in hand) seems to have improved from the dark depths....

It appears that the fare complexity and rules are really being tightened to protect margins, but at the expense of flexibility for premium customers. Telstra example - totally transformed service by removing complexity = big impact on profitability.

The sales used to last 2 weeks now available for a few days = get peoples attention but try to limit options for them to take advantage of cheap flights. Sales (on business class) less frequent as well. 

Cathay, Emirates, BA & Singapore all taking advantage of this change in Qantas approach - they all have great business class offers out of Oz

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