Qantas - allow online changes to all international bookings
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Hi Guest, join in the discussion on Qantas - allow online changes to all international bookings
Hi Guest, join in the discussion on Qantas - allow online changes to all international bookings
Member since 07 Jan 2016
Total posts 64
A suggestion to Qantas:

To assist your customers trying to comply with the DFAT advice to expedite our plans to return to Australia, how about you unlock the 'Change' button on our international flight bookings ?
Telling customers to "call the Qantas office" simply isn't working. I've already spent 2 hours on hold trying to get an agent and I'm sure many of your other customers are in the same boat.
If you were able to relax the Change restriction on these bookings it could save a lot of frustration for your international customers and stress on your call centre staff.
Member since 13 Apr 2018
Total posts 26
AGREE!!!!! I cannot change the damn booking and stuck overseas currently. and cannot be on the phone for hours with Qantas..
John Phelan
John Phelan
Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer
Member since 28 Oct 2011
Total posts 262
Strange. I was able to change my booking online on Tuesday.
Member since 07 Jan 2016
Total posts 64
Depends on the type of international fare booked, John. For example, we were booked under the 'Business Sale' class which allows for 1 online change. We had already brought our return date forward to early April when COVID-19 started to take traction. When we received the DFAT advice on Tuesday to expedite the return to Australia we then found that the 'Change' button on the Qantas web site was disabled. As such, we had a 3 hour call to Qantas to get someone to override the web site.
If Qantas could unlock the 'Change' button on their web site I'm sure that would reduce the burden on their call centre, and save worry & frustration for folks such as Nichokiu above.