Compulsory Mask wearing on Plane

2 replies


Member since 19 Oct 2019

Total posts 14

I would like to recommend Universal wearing of Masks

on all Plane flights , international and domestic.

It is the only way we are going to get plane travel back to the new normal.

It’s cheap and effective, but unfortunately must be compulsory

Once available 15 minute COVID 19 test will also help.


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 11 Oct 2014

Total posts 412

Originally Posted by Rc

I would like to recommend Universal wearing of Masks

on all Plane flights , international and domestic.

It is the only way we are going to get plane travel back to the new normal.

It’s cheap and effective, but unfortunately must be compulsory

Once available 15 minute COVID 19 test will also help.

Whilst you might like to recommend universal wearing of masks Rc, unfortunately the tide is now growing increasingly against you.

The day you posted your opinion, the US DoT (Department of Transport) handed down a ruling to all US airlines that categorically stipulates that US airlines operating within the airspace of the USA are NOT required to mandate the use of masks on-board aircraft OR to distribute them.

As you may be aware, the US carriers have adopted many and varied approaches to domestic COVID-19 travel. That alone should be scary. SouthWest requires you to wear a mask, Delta, requires a mask be worn - and supplies one on-board. Some carriers leave the decision up to the passenger. The point of the DoT decision seems to provide some degree of 'uniformity' for the industry. The ruling does NOT stop a passenger wearing a mask / PPE, but DOES define a policy for airlines. Personally, I would continue to wear a mask when in public.

Secondly, this morning IATA issued a global report regarding the transmissibility of COVID-19 on aircraft flights specifically, which states that over the previous six (6) months globally, there have been only 44 cases detected that can be attributed to being transmitted while physically on-board an aircraft.

So, ever so slowly, governments and interested bodies are beginning to move. We have already seen similar moves here in Australia with QF refusing to adopt a 'social distancing' seat policy ie: leaving middle seats vacant. Little attention has been paid to the difference between in-cabin domestic vs international travel ie; does a 70 min SYD-MEL flight pose the same risk as a 14 hour SYD-LAX trip?

I am not suggesting that I endorse or disendorse any of the mentioned policies above .. however, it doesn't take a Mensa IQ to figure out that there are a limited number of ways for the public to travel safer. Even if the USA's policies seem to be shambolic or contradictory.


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 15 May 2019

Total posts 65

Masks are inconvenient and unnecessary. Infection rates in all states of Australia (including Victoria) are incredibly low. There is no reason why we should not all be permitted to engage in domestic travel freely without masks.

The mandating of masks in a country like Australia with incredibly low rates of transmission is just an exercise in health-based performance to make people who lack the capacity for reasoned thought and analysis feel safe. We should not adopt inconvenient and pointless measures to appease the lowest common denominator.

The requirement to wear masks is also discriminatory in that it disproportionately affects those with optical disabilities. I have tried every conceivable style of mask and every single one results in my glasses fogging and therefore a loss in sight. Why should I lose my ability to walk around safely for someone else's peace of mind when it is absolutely unnecessary?

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