13 iPhone city guides for free
This promotion has now expired. Lonely Planet is giving away 13 free iPhone city guides to Europ...
ABC launches iView app for iPad
Catching up on your favourite ABC TV shows on the move just got easier for travellers with today&...
Flight test: iPad battery pack
The iPad's 10+ hour battery life is one of its many appealing traits. But when even that's not ...
Top apps for tiny notebooks
There comes a time in every business traveller's life when the realisation hits that carrying a 3...
Laptop benches at QF lounges
UPDATE | We're pleased to report that since this article was written, Qantas has rejigged the des...
Flight test: iPad keyboard cases
With the increasing number of iPads we’re seeing in lounges and on planes, it’s no su...
Telstra boosts iPad data expiry to 365 days
Telstra has announced a new annual prepaid Next G plan which will keep 3G iPads connected on the ...
Apple's new MacBook Air tested inflight
In-flight testing of the second-gen MacBook Air shows Apple's new ultralight has what it takes to...
How to use your Australian iPhone 4 in the US
So you've got your Telstra/Optus/Vodafone/3/Virgin Mobile iPhone 4 and you want to use it in the ...
How to use your Australian iPad 3G in the USA
Using your iPad 3G in the US is by far the easiest way to get connected while you're out and abou...
Finnair offer free iPads on flights
Travellers flying with Finnair will now have new iPads to play with. The carrier has announced iP...
Qantas Clubs ditches Windows PCs for iMacs
Qantas is removing all Windows PCs from its Qantas Club lounges and replacing them with an all-Ap...