Tourist Refund Scheme

Your guide to Australia’s GST refund scheme

The travel rebate program lets you claim back the 10% sales tax on products bought in Australia.

Govt crackdown on TRS rebates

The Federal Government is tightening its watch on Australian passport holders who claim a 10% ta...

Seven steps to fast-track your TRS GST refunds

Aussie residents and tourists alike can save money on their shopping by claiming a GST rebate at...

New mobile app for TRS airport refunds

International travellers claiming a GST refund under the Tourist Refund Scheme (TRS) can soon us...

How to claim back VAT in the UK

The UK's Value Added Tax (VAT), contained in the advertised price of most goods and services is...

iPad on sale today for $398

If you've been tossing up whether to buy an iPad to take on your next trip, your decision just go...