This is your captain speaking, and now a short union announcement

UPDATE: this is the text of what Qantas pilots are saying over the P.A. Tip of the hat to the always excellent Ben Sandilands at Crikey's Plane Talking blog for securing the transcript.
Ladies and gentlemen, this is (insert rank and name), together with (all participating crew) may I briefly have your attention.
On behalf of all Qantas pilots we would like to thank you for choosing to fly with Qantas.
We are proud of our profession and our airline and trust you will support us in keeping Qantas pilots in Qantas aircraft and ensuring our great iconic airline remains uniquely Australian.
For more information and to register your support, please make your next destination
Thank you.
Qantas pilots have started their campaign of inflight announcements about their pay and conditions today.
The P.A. address will include a "gentle and positive" reminder of the skills and experience Qantas pilots bring to the job, and a web link passengers can go to to find out more.
"It will be a brief message of three or four sentences outlining how much we enjoy flying Qantas passengers and how that can continue in everyone's interest," Qantas pilot Nathan Safe told Melbourne's Herald Sun.
"We will speak on how we wish to maintain the standard of service, the safety culture and the unique Australian personality of Qantas.
"And to make them aware that there may be a loss of flying experience and that safety culture should large parts of Qantas head offshore."
Part of the dispute hinges on Qantas running flights with "QF" flight numbers through Jetstar and JetConnect under code-sharing arrangements, despite paying the pilots much less.
The pilots' union has also launched billboards in capital cities with the slogan, "when you board a Qantas flight, you expect a Qantas pilot."
However, unlike earlier threats of strike action, the measures are not expected to delay flights.
Qantas is expected to announce next month a major restructure of the airline which will include establishing a new part of the airline group based in an Asian country.
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