Velocity status credits now earning full rate on Virgin Atlantic

IN BRIEF | Virgin Australia Velocity frequent flyers will now earn status credits at the full rate on Virgin Atlantic flights.
Previously, flights on Virgin Atlantic had earned status credits at a lower rate. The changes bring Virgin Atlantic into line with other London-bound partners Air New Zealand, Etihad and Singapore Airlines.
Following the changes, you'll earn the following amount of status credits per one-way flight:
- Hong Kong: 120 in business (Upper Class), 90 in Premium Economy, 60 in full fare economy and 30 in discount economy.
- London: 200 in business (Upper Class), 150 in Premium Economy, 100 in full fare economy and 50 in discount economy.
If you're uncertain as to whether a ticket will fall into full fare or discount economy, check out the Velocity fare classes page -- and refer to the AusBT handy guide to fare classes (AKA booking classes, fare buckets, fare brackets, and so on) for more info.
Tip of the AusBT hat to contributor Chris Neugebauer for the heads-up.
For the very latest news for business travellers and frequent flyers, tune into @AusBT on Twitter.
09 May 2011
Total posts 294
Here's a useful tip -- Virgin Atlantic makes booking free stopovers on their web site pretty convenient. If you do take a stopover in Hong Kong, you'll actually accrue two legs at the Sydney-Hong Kong rate rather than just one at the Sydney-London rate.
So that's basically a free night in Hong Kong, with a bonus 40SC if you're travelling in Upper Class. Convenient if you need some extra SCs to bump yourself up.
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