Amazon's Kindle Touch, Kindle Fire now available in Australia

Frequent flyers who like to pack an ebook reader into their travel kit now have more options to choose from, with the latest Kindle Touch and Kindle Fire tablet both available through online seller
Whereas Dick Smith Electronics restricts its range to the Kindle Keyboard 3G and the newer Kindle Wi-Fi, is carrying the full range – including a Wi-Fi version of the Kindle Keyboard, the latest touchscreen Kindle Touch in both Wi-Fi and 3G editions and Amazon's competitive Kindle Fire tablet (below).
The Kindle Touch sells for $169 with Wi-Fi only and $229 with 3G as well as Wi-Fi. Both models include an Australian AC adaptor, spare USB charge cable and 12VDC car charger.
The 7 inch Kindle Fire tablet comes in at $359 but also comes with a caveat: you won't have full access to movies and TV shows available through, as these – like the tablet itself – are currently restricted to US customers.
(And if you're looking for a no-brainer ebook reader, we suggest DSE's $99 refurbished Kindle Keyboard Wi-Fi. It's covered by the same one-year warranty as a new Kindle so there's zilch risk factor in this.)
21 Apr 2012
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