55 replies


Member since 07 May 2020

Total posts 113

Blaird.....obviously there were no scrubbed up surgeons on my flight from Frankfurt to London, otherwise, according to your logic, we would have all had to gown up and glove up to protect us from respiratory viruses emanating from the nostrils of the surgeon. Thankfully, idiots on planes are few and far between.

Last editedby GoRobin at Jun 04, 2022, 04:42 AM.
Last editedby GoRobin at Jun 04, 2022, 04:43 AM.



Member since 19 Apr 2012

Total posts 732

Originally Posted by Richard W

The question here is not if masks are worth wearing. If you believe they reduce the spread of an airborne virus or if you believe they don't, you will find evidence to suit your position.

The question now is about mandates.

People need to take responsibility for themselves. If you are immunocompromised, wear a mask or don't travel. It is not others responsibility to care for you.

If we take the view that we all take precautions to protect the vulnerable we will never progress at anything. Humans have made unbelievable strides in all forms of life through incredible people pushing boundaries. If we regress to being scared of any type of risk, we are dying as a race.

Government intervention in almost all cases of life is bad.

How many incredible humans are politicians? In most cases they make bad decisions. Mandates are one such decision.

Richard, taking responsibility for yourself is one thing but taking responsibility for others is another. I will wear a N95 mask indoors, to stop me spreading the bug I may not know I have. It would be nice if others did. It is a bit of a myth that only older and immunocompromised are at risk. All sorts of people vaccinated or not still get very crook from this bug. Governments are concerned with taking pressure off the hospital system less so on high absentee rates from people sick at home. Noticed how supermarket shelves are thinner these days. People sick at home is one reason.


Member since 07 May 2020

Total posts 113

pattrickk...those who took the poison prick are going to keep getting covid over and over and over again. No amount of masks are going to help them. Keep count as to how many repeat infections you will get in the next 12 months, and then get yourself another shot and double up on your mask. I'm vaccine free and travelling the world free of these self inflicted liabilities. Never felt better or safer. Hello from London. Thankfully I left Australia in Oct 2021 and since been to Germany, Italy, Austria, Croatia, Montenegro and UK. I think I had the Omicold once in Croatia. So don't believe everything on MSM that all those vaccine free will end up in hospital. Ha ha.


Member since 26 Aug 2019

Total posts 17

Originally Posted by patrickk

Originally Posted by 787boeing

XWu and Richard W. You guys have both shown evidence which shows WHO and Vic Government completely changed their recommendation on the mask. They like to go on about science and that stuff but the science of masks does not just change as it suits them. There is zero science here full stop and your own comments introducing these examples reflect that. It completely shows the masks are completely useless and they introduced the mandates to see how far they could push the population or 'cattle'. They have gotten completely away with it and people are now so brainwashed they will do whatever these criminal, globalist organisations and governments tell them to do without a second thought.

787 your statement of zero science is strange given that there are numerous scientific studies easily goggleable. A Forbes Article from February this year reports a 50% effectiveness for masks in general and (no surprises) an 87% effectiveness for an N95. No surprises on what type of mask I use) The other point is that masks not only stop you catching the bug (which perhaps is your choice) but also stops you spreading it, hence the public health benefit and the reason for mask mandates. Where they should apply is a public health decision but since the lifting of them in most circumstances the rates of infections reported are close to the highest in the world, and hospitals are stretched when a flu season is now added. From colleagues who have caught the bug after three vaccine shots, it is still not much fun (still very crook for a week or more) and so a disease best avoided.

If all you believe is mainstream media you will never be awoken. If your interested look into the tree of global ownership and you will soon see all the mainstream media is owned by the same people who control public health, energy, governments, organisations and so forth, and thus, will always only ever portray the desired agenda or narrative. Money, power and globalism has completely brainwashed society and people don't even realise it.

Last editedby 787boeing at Jun 04, 2022, 12:00 PM.



Member since 19 Apr 2012

Total posts 732

Originally Posted by GoRobin

pattrickk...those who took the poison prick are going to keep getting covid over and over and over again. No amount of masks are going to help them. Keep count as to how many repeat infections you will get in the next 12 months, and then get yourself another shot and double up on your mask. I'm vaccine free and travelling the world free of these self inflicted liabilities. Never felt better or safer. Hello from London. Thankfully I left Australia in Oct 2021 and since been to Germany, Italy, Austria, Croatia, Montenegro and UK. I think I had the Omicold once in Croatia. So don't believe everything on MSM that all those vaccine free will end up in hospital. Ha ha.

Go robin I did not say they won’t end up in hospital but hospitalisations are much lower, with vaccinated people, that is why cases are up but hospitalisations are down. The evidence isn’t from mainstream media but health department data easily accessible. At some point evidence must come into play in peoples decisions, rather than conspiracy theories.


Member since 07 May 2020

Total posts 113

patrickk.....when I was in Australia for the first half of last year, one covid death a day was a big deal and enough that we needed to wear a mask walking along a street. Now Australia has a rolling average of 45 covid deaths a day. I guess those people are going straight to heaven without even going to hospital first? According to your conspiracy theory! Anyway patrickk, mask up, boost up and stay at home. How long has it been now?


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 20 Oct 2017

Total posts 3

Originally Posted by Rc

They should keep mask wearing compulsory forever

Lots of respiratory diseases as well as covid spread

In crowded small areas such as planes

You may be fine, but what about the Old Lady Sitting next to you

going to see her grandchildren

So what about the last 60 years of air travel? Muppet comment


Singapore Airlines - The PPS Club

Member since 16 Jun 2017

Total posts 59

Originally Posted by GBRGB

Most counties have ditched them by varying degrees, some still have them on planes but most are no longer required at airports, the airport requirement in Australia is a joke. Australia should get rid of the mandate completely, if people want to wear them then they should, but that might be a step too far for the sheep in this country.

Could not agree more about the sheep


Member since 05 Oct 2017

Total posts 89

Originally Posted by blaird

Originally Posted by GoRobin

Xwu....masks simply don't work. So they cannot work more or less in a plane, supermarket or water closet (WC). If the "old ladies" want to wear them in the WC, then they are free to do so.

We must tell the surgeons who wear them in the Operating theatres for years and years they have been wearing them for no reason at all.. Only an anti vaxxer would make such a idiotic comment.

Only a Covidiot would make such an idiotic comment. Surgeons wear them to prevent spittle entering a patient during surgery. Wearing a mask indoors or outdoors in any other setting, when that has never been done before is a sign of mental illness. Let's scrap the muzzle wearing on planes. Europe has already done so, America too. It's high time Australia followed suit.

Besides, Australia was the last major country to impose masking on flights - what's so hard about now ending the mandate?



Member since 19 Apr 2012

Total posts 732

Originally Posted by TheFreqFlyer

Originally Posted by blaird

Originally Posted by GoRobin

Xwu....masks simply don't work. So they cannot work more or less in a plane, supermarket or water closet (WC). If the "old ladies" want to wear them in the WC, then they are free to do so.

We must tell the surgeons who wear them in the Operating theatres for years and years they have been wearing them for no reason at all.. Only an anti vaxxer would make such a idiotic comment.

Only a Covidiot would make such an idiotic comment. Surgeons wear them to prevent spittle entering a patient during surgery. Wearing a mask indoors or outdoors in any other setting, when that has never been done before is a sign of mental illness. Let's scrap the muzzle wearing on planes. Europe has already done so, America too. It's high time Australia followed suit.

Besides, Australia was the last major country to impose masking on flights - what's so hard about now ending the mandate?

freqflyer masks are to prevent droplets and aerosols floating around and being breathed in hence the preference for N-95 masks. Not sure wearing masks has never being done before. It is very common in Asia. Deliberately Exposing oneself and others to quite nasty bugs is hardly a great indicator of great mental health. I’ll be wearing my N-95 mask on a flight next week to make sure I don’t spread the bug in case I’m unknowingly infectious or breathing in the bug in case others are unknowingly infectious.


Member since 07 May 2020

Total posts 113

Patrickk...I thought you were double boosted so how could you possibly get infected let alone transmit the plague? Or perhaps it might be that something in this experiment has totally failed. Your guess is as good as mine.



Member since 19 Apr 2012

Total posts 732

Originally Posted by GoRobin

Patrickk...I thought you were double boosted so how could you possibly get infected let alone transmit the plague? Or perhaps it might be that something in this experiment has totally failed. Your guess is as good as mine.

GoRobin double boosted keeps me out of hospital it doesn’t mean I’m not really crook home in bed for a week or so, as colleagues attest. So something to be best avoided. I’m about to get some anti virals in case I catch a bad dose while I’m away. Prevention is far better than cure.

Richard W

Singapore Airlines - KrisFlyer

Member since 12 Apr 2017

Total posts 88

Originally Posted by patrickk

Originally Posted by GoRobin

Patrickk...I thought you were double boosted so how could you possibly get infected let alone transmit the plague? Or perhaps it might be that something in this experiment has totally failed. Your guess is as good as mine.

GoRobin double boosted keeps me out of hospital it doesn’t mean I’m not really crook home in bed for a week or so, as colleagues attest. So something to be best avoided. I’m about to get some anti virals in case I catch a bad dose while I’m away. Prevention is far better than cure.

Not many people willingly want to get ill. There are many different potential illnesses in the world. Not many are new. I used to catch a coronavirus often when I travelled internationally, well before it became 'popular'!

The thing is, anything an individual wants to do to mitigate their risk is fine, good for them.

But governments, back off, stop telling us what to do with politically motivated mandates.


Member since 05 Oct 2017

Total posts 89

Originally Posted by patrickk

Originally Posted by TheFreqFlyer

Originally Posted by blaird

Originally Posted by GoRobin

Xwu....masks simply don't work. So they cannot work more or less in a plane, supermarket or water closet (WC). If the "old ladies" want to wear them in the WC, then they are free to do so.

We must tell the surgeons who wear them in the Operating theatres for years and years they have been wearing them for no reason at all.. Only an anti vaxxer would make such a idiotic comment.

Only a Covidiot would make such an idiotic comment. Surgeons wear them to prevent spittle entering a patient during surgery. Wearing a mask indoors or outdoors in any other setting, when that has never been done before is a sign of mental illness. Let's scrap the muzzle wearing on planes. Europe has already done so, America too. It's high time Australia followed suit.

Besides, Australia was the last major country to impose masking on flights - what's so hard about now ending the mandate?

freqflyer masks are to prevent droplets and aerosols floating around and being breathed in hence the preference for N-95 masks. Not sure wearing masks has never being done before. It is very common in Asia. Deliberately Exposing oneself and others to quite nasty bugs is hardly a great indicator of great mental health. I’ll be wearing my N-95 mask on a flight next week to make sure I don’t spread the bug in case I’m unknowingly infectious or breathing in the bug in case others are unknowingly infectious.

Firstly, outside of Japan (and Hong Kong/Guangdong during bird flu), masks weren't common in Asia prior to Covid-19. There was the occasional person, perhaps 1/1000 people who did wear them, but if you looked hard enough, the same was true in the west (mainly in hospitals, where nurses who didn't want to get the flu shot were mandated to wear a mask instead...in countries ranging from the USA to Australia and the UK).

No one in Asia, where mask wearing is still prevalent (though it depends on the country as some such as Myanmar and Cambodia have effectively stopped wearing them...in Myanmar this is despite the mandate still being in effect) wears an N95 mask. They wear cloth masks that allow you to breathe better but are simply ineffective.

Aircraft have highly effective air filtration systems hence why mask wearing really isn't necessary.

Sounds like all those shots you received have only made you more scared and paranoid, but aren't protecting you.

Richard W

Singapore Airlines - KrisFlyer

Member since 12 Apr 2017

Total posts 88

Originally Posted by patrickk

Originally Posted by Richard W

The question here is not if masks are worth wearing. If you believe they reduce the spread of an airborne virus or if you believe they don't, you will find evidence to suit your position.

The question now is about mandates.

People need to take responsibility for themselves. If you are immunocompromised, wear a mask or don't travel. It is not others responsibility to care for you.

If we take the view that we all take precautions to protect the vulnerable we will never progress at anything. Humans have made unbelievable strides in all forms of life through incredible people pushing boundaries. If we regress to being scared of any type of risk, we are dying as a race.

Government intervention in almost all cases of life is bad.

How many incredible humans are politicians? In most cases they make bad decisions. Mandates are one such decision.

Richard, taking responsibility for yourself is one thing but taking responsibility for others is another. I will wear a N95 mask indoors, to stop me spreading the bug I may not know I have. It would be nice if others did. It is a bit of a myth that only older and immunocompromised are at risk. All sorts of people vaccinated or not still get very crook from this bug. Governments are concerned with taking pressure off the hospital system less so on high absentee rates from people sick at home. Noticed how supermarket shelves are thinner these days. People sick at home is one reason.

We do not need government to tell us what to do.

Hi Guest, join in the discussion on Masks on planes

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