Jet fuel rationing NZ

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Delta Air Lines - SkyMiles

Member since 16 Oct 2017

Total posts 293

Announced today that NZ will be short of jet fuel for at least the next 10 days. Rationing to 75% of normal requirements for all airlines seems likely, and perhaps even less. Long haul flights from NZ may get sufficient fuel only to a nearby port (Pacific, Australia) and need to fill tanks there. Impact on trans-Tasman only services not clear yet. Disruptions and cancellations possible. All caused by contaminated fuel in tanker recently arrived in NZ. Hundreds of thosusands of gallons lost.


Member since 09 May 2020

Total posts 197

As ET have not featured this news, potential travellers until at least 18th dec may want to Google “jet fuel NZ” for more details and up to date infos.

It all depends on the next shipment in 5 days if there is further problems with fuel.

It appears NZ has lost any capacity to process or reprocess fuel and maybe a wake-up call on capacity to store or process strategic resources for both NZ and Aus (whose strategic fuel reserves on shore is an embarrassment and their solution by the last federal government is to buy extra storage capacity in the US!)


Member since 26 Mar 2020

Total posts 55

Transtasman flights should be okay - if the airlines is happy to fuel up more while at Australian ports.

the problem will be largely impacting Air New Zealand - although Queenstown flights not sure if they can double fuel up due to to short runaway

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